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Leadership Workshops

"Learning is an experience. Everything else is just information." 

                                                          ~ Albert Einstein


NobleEdge workshops build personal leadership capacity through practical skills and self-awareness training, interactive team exercises and authentic dialogue. Our training is highly engaging and interactive with opportunities to practice new skills immediately. Available live and virtual instructor-led online.



"The YOU Turn:
from Conflict to Collaboration"

Conflict can arise in any situation. Learning to manage conflict productively is a key skill for leaders and teams. This  unique interactive online workshop explores constructive and destructive behaviors and the Hot Buttons that can trigger us.  Participants discover and practice behaviors that not only de-escalate conflict, they transform it to leverage different perspectives and build strong collaborative relationships. 

"There's No Right Way To Do The Wrong Thing"


This workshop, based on best-selling book, "There's No Right Way To Do The Right Thing," by Dr. Christopher Gilbert, inspires participants to raise their awareness of their ethical actions individually and corporately. Participants examine frameworks that help to evaluate and understand decisions and their impact on others, and finally put these frameworks into perspective by examining our decision-making styles. This interactive workshop provides practical application of "stepping up the ethical ladder"for greater results and a better world.

Paint Swatches
Cowboy on Horse

"Building Trust"

Creating an atmosphere of trust is the foundation for leaders who seek greater collaboration, more innovation, stronger relationships, greater productivity and empowered employees.


During this workshop, participants explore the value of trust,
the elements of trust, and what they can do to build trustworthiness in their leadership through words and actions.


"Bridging the Gap: Learning Styles"


Go beyond other personality tests. Participants gain greater insight into the strengths and expressions natural to their own style (Imaginative, Enthusiastic, Practical, Logical) and explore how to integrate that style with others' to enhance leadership and teamwork.




"Settler, Pioneer or Scout?"


Which of these statements do you relate to?

"I've got a good life here."

"Where should I stay in Paris?"

"It's never been done before...let's go!"


Discovering your core spirit is the key to a satisfying and enriching life. Participants will examine what traits and environment is best for them in order to thrive:

Settler (loyalty), Pioneer (guide), or Scout (explorer)



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